Thursday, March 5, 2020

8 Tips for Boosting Your Confidence

8 Tips for Boosting Your Confidence Image via Pixabay Life throws its curveballs at us when we sometimes least expect it. It pins us against the wall, making us feel as though we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place, or uncertain of the next step or how we’re going to pass that test, and therefore, indecisive about our next steps. When even the slightest challenges arise, it feels much easier to give in to that tight squeeze that can make us feel small in an amazingly big world. In college, it can be very easy to feel as if you’re lost and as if confidence in yourself and your abilities is lacking. Big schools, thousands of students, massive buildings, and the sheer amount of work that needs to be done for each class to make a decent grade can make you feel out of place. And when you don’t make the grade you desire, you can feel a little down about yourself. As awesome as it is, college can be a time of immense confusion and stress. As you strive to be awesome, graduate top of your class, pull in championships for your school, or land the perfect job, it can all seem overwhelming at times. You’re not alone. There will be many things beyond school that will test your faith, your will, your confidence, and your ability to work hard no matter what. Sometimes, things happen that are out of your control and you begin to lose confidence in who you are and who you are going to become.  College is a great time to figure out your way through all of the uncertainty. It is an opportunity for you to learn and find out how you want to make a difference in the world. Confidence is so much more than a sexy word. Like every other skill, it can be learned and cultivated until you have it. And here’s the thing; you don’t get it all in one go. It’s a journey, just like college and just like life. Here are some tips to boost your confidence: 1. Block the little voice. Every person, from time to time, experiences that little voice that says “you’re not good enough,” or “you’ll never make it through college,” or “everyone here is so much smarter than you.” If you let it, that little negative voice can control your life and keep you back from doing amazingly good things. You may not have graduated valedictorian in your high school class or had the highest GPA to get into college, but you do have what it takes to succeed. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been admitted. 2. Learning is both a process and a journey. It takes nine months for a baby to be born. It takes four years on average to get through high school. It takes 18 years on average before you can drive a car or vote. It takes 21 years before you can have a drink. In general, life takes time and very many times, we are forced to wait because we can’t have it all at once. The more willing we are to go through the process of learning, the more we will know when we are done, and the more we will want to learn even after college is over. 3. Get in a good workout. We dont always have the time or the good feelings, but working out is a great way to feel better about what you’re doing and where you’re going. Sometimes, all your brain needs is a break from the books and lectures and a breath of fresh air literally. Working out not only pushes energy to your brain but aids in transforming your attitude as well. 4. Go and volunteer. Once, I was having a really funky week. Between work, school, church, and family, everything that could go downhill seemed to be going in that direction. Instead of stressing over it any longer, I took up a friend on a volunteer opportunity and spent several hours serving others. It is very easy to get caught up in what is going on in our lives that we forget there are other people in the world who are hurting and in need. After all, we were put on earth to serve others, not just ourselves. 5. Recall your life experiences. Everything you have been through over the last 18-20 years was for a reason. It has made you the person you are today. Although you may not feel prepared for it, it has brought you to this moment. Whenever you’re feeling stressed or unsure of your ability, stop for a minute and remember all that you have been through. Nothing came easy, I’m sure, but it was all most likely worth it. 6. Say a little prayer. It helps to say a prayer. Let God know how you’re feeling and ask for wisdom, strength, and guidance. He is the perfect listener and the perfect solution to any problem that you face. He wants you to succeed and be who He made you to be. 7. Consider the future. Sometimes we can spend a lot of time wishing things were different or wishing we didnt have so much stress or fatigue in our lives, that we forget about where we want to go in life. Determine where you want to go in life and spend a lot of your time and energy working on getting there. Once you know where you want to go, it becomes much easier to do what is necessary to get there. 8. Don’t give up. You are blessed to be in college, wherever it is in the world, studying whatever subject you are studying, preparing for a future in whatever field you have chosen. Learn from your mistakes. Pick yourself up when you fail. Improve your situation as best as you can. But do not make excuses. Do not assuage your conscience as to why you didn’t do something that you should have done. At all times does it take a lot of effort to be successful. You’ll never know how successful you could have been if you give up now.

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