Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Organic Chemistry Tutor Review

The Organic Chemistry Tutor ReviewThis article is all about the natural science and its effects on the quality of life and comfort levels. It can also help you learn the correct way to use these so that you can live a healthy life. I am glad to see that the world has come to recognize the importance of the mind and also that there are people who have made it a profession to study the natural science of stress.Stress is a very important part of every human life. Its effects are long lasting and they cannot be completely prevented, but a person must know how to manage the effects of stress. Stress is more serious than many diseases, there are several health problems associated with stress that include heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, anxiety and depression, which also lead to a higher mortality rate.One of the best ways to prevent the effects of stress is to learn the techniques and tips about stress. There are many books and courses available in the market today that provi de an excellent education on the subject of stress. The best part about these books and courses is that the information provided by the author is first hand experience. In case the author is experienced in this field, the reader can feel sure that the information is accurate and reliable.But there are also some authors who are just trying to make money out of the situation by selling their products. In this case, you will not get the full value of the information you have paid for. One of the best ways to avoid scams and marketing gimmicks is to read reviews on the internet.One such book is The Organic Chemistry Tutor, a book written by Dr. Franklin Williams. It was produced by Dover Publications in America and it provides a comprehensive and authentic knowledge about the various aspects of stress. This book contains several tables, charts and diagrams, and Dr. Williams also includes basic information about the human body that is of great help for the reader.The Organic Chemistry Tu tor is very helpful in managing stress and provides you the complete information about the different elements in the human body and the ways they affect the rest of the system. The book also includes short essays that provide vital information about the common stresses in life and the effects that these stressors have on the body. The eBook also contains several topics in which you can learn how to control your stress and the use of relaxation techniques.The Organic Chemistry Tutor provides very helpful information and a very authentic guide to the topics in which you can learn. I am happy to find that people are beginning to realize the importance of the mind and also that there are people who have made it a profession to study the natural science of stress.

Friday, March 6, 2020

An Introduction to Academic Support

An Introduction to Academic Support What Is After-School Academic Support? ChaptersWhat Is the Academic Support Market in the UK Like?Why Is the Academic Support Market Growing?The Big Names in the Academic Support MarketWhen the National Education System Fails, What Is an Effective Solution?While the private tutorial market is booming, that doesn’t mean that every single actor is enjoying the benefits.  Furthermore, there are a lot of factors to take into account when it comes to academic support for children.The most important things to think of are:How can we deal with an education system that’s failing so many young students?Can every teacher provide quality tuition to large classes year on year?How is the state educating students and helping them make their way into the labour market?We’ve got a lot of questions to answer.In this article, we're going to look at the academic support market in the UK, the reasons behind its growth, the largest companies operating in the market, and how private tutoring can help students who are being failed by the education system in this country. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Is the Academic Support Market in the UK Like?There are a lot of organisations, groups, and companies in the academic support market.Superprof brings together tutors and students from all over the world. (Source: TheAndrasBarta)Since there’s everything from charitable organisations offering support to e-learning platforms, let’s have a look at what they do.Specialised OrganisationsThese organisations make up a significant part of the market.  There are two ways for tutoring to work: Either the family hires a private tutor directly and acts as their employer or they contact a company that provides them with a tutor and the family acts as a customer.There are tutoring groups, businesses, self-employed tutors, and public education groups offering help to struggling students.  Usually, students will find a tutor through a company.  Most of the time, companies will find tutors for the customer and offer them private tutorials at their home or homework help in a specific place, like a library, for example. Some even offer online tutoring services.  In this case, the family entrusts the company with the administration and finding the right tutors.You should know that there are also charitable organisations offering tutoring  services, too.  These are useful for families with limited budgets who otherwise wouldn’t be able to pay for private tutorials.Finally, you can also find plenty of tutors who are working for themselves.Platforms Connecting Tutors to StudentsThere are platforms that help students find tutors and vice versa. With more and more tutors deciding to work for themselves, these types of platforms have become more important.Sites such as Superprof were created for this very reason.  In just a few clicks, you can find academic support for a multitude of different subjects including:Maths (algebra, calculus, trigonometry, etc.)Foreign languages such as French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, etc.Science including physics, chemistry, biology, etc.EnglishOne on one refresher classesExam or test prepEtc.The goal is to help students to easily find a tutor near them who can help them with a subject they’re struggling with, for example.Undeclared WorkThere are still tutors around who are working cash-in-hand and not declaring their earnings.  It’s hugely important that tutors declare their earnings to HMRC and pay the appropriate taxes and National Insurance contributions.Crime doesn't pay. (Source: Free-Photos)Additionally, if you don’t, there are penalties such as:FinesImprisonmentPaying unpaid taxThere are plenty of benefits to operating as a sole trader. Such as not going to prison...Why Is the Academic Support Market Growing?Education is a quick way to combat unemployment and most parents know this. This is why the academic support market continues to grow.Parents want to help their children get the best possible grades and exam results at every stage of their education. From SATs, GCSEs, A Levels, and their degree.There are two main tendencies when it comes to private tutorials:The demand for academic support grows around the start of a new academic year.There’s also a spike in demand around March.The offering is also changing.  Students in primary school, secondary school, college, sixth form, and university can easily find academic resources for learning.There are plenty of websites helping students get over academic difficulties. This allows them to get over problems in maths or foreign languages from the comfort of their own home. We’re starting to see the dem ocratisation of the market.Previously, families were forced to work with massive home tutoring companies (which often charged a fortune) if they wanted to find a private tutor. Nowadays, you can find private tutors in just a few clicks.Thus, you can find tutors to help with:Catching upUnderstanding why students are failingRefresher classesHomework helpAchieving high gradesAdditionally, you can find them for competitive rates.The Big Names in the Academic Support MarketGeneral Organisations You Should KnowFor the most part, academic support companies offer a huge variety of different courses and levels.There are some really big academic support companies. (Source: Pexels)A lot of students get in touch with these companies and groups to find:Maths tutorials, Spanish tutorials, philosophy tutorials, etc.Academic coachingHelp with applying to universitiesTutorials for study skillsWhether it’s during the summer holidays or during the school term, these types of companies can help stude nts find tutors and take care of the administration.Specific GroupsBig tutoring companies offer a variety of solutions depending on what students need to learn.  There are a few companies that may come to mind and some offer video tutorials and courses for professionals, for example.Certain companies focus on learning languages and organising trips abroad for students. This is a very popular type of tuition.  Other platforms help students studying A Levels.In some cases, students are encouraged to work with different tutors in order to match up their learning style with the right pedagogy. These organisations tend to provide academic guidance for students as well, helping them choose the right university courses to apply to, etc.SuperprofIn addition to the big players who’ve been around forever, there are also plenty of newer groups when it comes to one on one tutoring, academic tutoring, and bespoke instruction.Superprof is the largest community of tutors online (1 million as of 2016).  Tutors can create an account and profile explaining what type of tuition they offer and we help the students find the online tutor or home tutor that meets their needs.When the National Education System Fails, What Is an Effective Solution?There are some worrying statistics when it comes to education and pupils falling behind.Children can learn more effectively with private tutors. (Source: rawpixel)Apparently, one in eight secondary schools in the UK is failing. This means 12.5% of schools aren’t up to scratch!  This is made more alarming when you think that this basically accounts for over 300,000 students in England alone!There are huge inequalities when it comes to education.  A-level pass rates were at their lowest for eight years. Of course, it seems that every year there’s a whole heap of controversy surrounding pass rates. If too many students pass, the exams are too easy, if too many fail, then the students or the schools are to blame.That said, there are studen ts who genuinely struggle at school, especially when there are problems at home such as a divorce or bereavement or when students have special educational needs.These problems are compounded when you have overworked teachers trying to teach larger and larger groups of students.  There are a few ways to address these issues. Similarly, there are definitely teachers in schools going above and beyond to help.However, they can’t do everything and even the best teachers may fall short when the education system fails them.  We can now use digital resources to bring together students and educators.In a few years, all this work will bear fruit.Now you know a bit more about the academic support market and how it can help you achieve academic success. Whether you're looking for an English tutor, chemistry tutor, or even writing tutors, you're bound to be able to find the right person.Are you a tutor or a student looking for an educator?Don’t hesitate to look for academic support classes o r tutorials. There are a lot of benefits.  If you're interested in teaching or becoming a tutor, then you could start looking for tutoring jobs. More and more people are choosing to be tutored privately and the best tutors will have no problem finding students.You can create your profile on Superprof and start offering one on tutorials, tutorials over webcam, or group tutorials. Generally speaking, the latter costs the most per hour (for the student) and the latter costs less per student but can earn the tutor much more.

Global Endowment Management Sponsors HeartThrob - Heart Math Tutoring

Global Endowment Management Sponsors HeartThrob - Heart Math Tutoring Global Endowment Management Sponsors HeartThrob Global Endowment Management Sponsors HeartThrob February 6, 2020 Heart Math Tutoring would like to extend a big thank you to Global Endowment Management (GEM) for being the Presenting Sponsor of HeartThrob 2020! In addition to their financial support, 15 GEM employees also volunteer as Heart Tutors. They work 1:1 with Heart students each week to strengthen their foundational math skills and increase their confidence and enthusiasm. Thank you, GEM, for your partnership! As a fourth-year tutor at Billingsville, Heart continues to be the highlight of my week. It fits easily into my busy schedule, and I love meeting tangible goals with my student. I can’t wait to celebrate and support this wonderful organization at HeartThrob! Alex Morte, GEM Employee and Heart Tutor

Thursday, March 5, 2020

SAT Tip of the Week Solve for the Right Variable

SAT Tip of the Week Solve for the Right Variable Welcome to the second installment in AJ Tutorings SAT Tip of the Week series!  This week, well be focusing on a common trick the SAT test-makers like to play in the math  section.To do well on the SAT math section, yes, you must know the content you need to have a good grasp of basic arithmetic, number properties, algebra, and geometry.  But if you spend some time looking at the hardest SAT math questions, youll notice pretty quickly that the content  of the math questions doesnt really get more difficult than that.  Youre not solving matrices or differentiating equations.  Rather, youre working through more complex questions with multiple steps, using higher-order logic, and reading carefully.One trick that pops up on the most difficult SAT math questions has to do with the wording of the question.  Math questions will often set up a relatively simple equation, which you can solve for x without too much trouble.  However, the question might ask you for the value of 3x.  If y ou didnt read the question carefully, you might overlook this detail and choose the wrong answer.Heres a sample problem that illustrates this, taken from the College Boards Official SAT Study Guide:Its easy enough to translate the wording of the question into an equation: 4w=w+4.  Solving for w, you should get w=4/3.  Many students stop there, believing that because they solved the equation and got an answer listed in the answer choices (answer choice C). theyve gotten the problem right.  Of course, the SAT test-makers anticipated that students would solve for w, and built that answer choice into the problem.But not so fast!  Take 5 seconds to re-read what the question is asking you to solve for.  In this case, were looking for the value of 3w.  The value of 3w is 4, which is the correct answer (answer choice E).The takeaway: Before you choose a final answer to an SAT math question, take some time to reread what the question is asking you to find.  Make sure youve solved for the correct variable!

The Key to a Good College Essay

The Key to a Good College Essay Students often stress about the college essay. But I think if one embraces the essay as a chance to show these schools who you really are, then the process can get a lot more fun. Be sure to remember that colleges aren't just looking for good students with impressive resumes. They are looking for fun, interesting, socially competent, passionate people that will be part of a student body at their institution. In short, they are looking for more than just academic credentials. So what does this mean?I think the fact that colleges and universities are looking at more than just your grades and test scores is a good thing. It means that almost anything about yourself can be spun as a positive attribute; something that makes you the unique snowflake that you are. So I would recommend that you let that part of yourself shine in your essay. But the key word is PASSION. Colleges and universities are looking for one trait almost more so than any other: Passion. They are looking for passionate students who really care about something, whether it be a global cause, pursuing a sport or musical instrument, writing, documenting current events, what have you. It doesn't really matter what it is. If you are really passionate about something in this world, then talk about it in your college essay, and talk about how it has made you who you are. And don't hold back! Just be sure that the passion is overall a positive thing. Basically, don't write about cleaning lint from under beds if that is your great passion.And finally, let your parents help you with your essay! They are smart and are a great resources, so don't be afraid to use them.Best of luck!

Getting Involved with Autism Awareness Month

Getting Involved with Autism Awareness Month Image via Unsplash April is full of ASD-related events, sponsored by national and local organizations. These include gatherings for people with autism, informational meetings between parents that have children with autism, and so on. Keep an eye out for some special events by some talented folks as well â€" perhaps a local artist with autism is having debuting some of their art at a local gallery, or there might be a local music featuring performers with autism. Sometimes the best way to support your community is by showing up and getting involved just by listening or observing somebody’s hard work. Take an online course Image via Unsplash The importance behind Autism Awareness Month roots from the need to educate individuals within society about ASD. Many people do not understand autism because of the broadness of the spectrum. There are so many different behavioral patterns and speech patterns that are affiliated with ASD that vary from one individual to the next, and often times, it makes it difficult to wrap your head around what autism really means. By taking a short online course, you could answer many of the questions you might be having about ASD, or at least learn a little bit more so that you can share it with those around you. Autism Society offers a simple, thirty-minute course called Autism 101, and best of all â€" it’s free. The course is broken down into the following categories: Introduction to the Autism Spectrum Overview of Treatment Options Treatment Assistance Transition to Adulthood More Information and Resources Reach out to a local organization Image via Pixabay If you’re unsure as to how to get your foot in the door, whether you are a part of the autism community or just somebody interested in getting involved, the best (and often easiest) way to get involved is by reaching out to a local organization. If your town or city has a college or university, there is most likely a club or organization for ASD that is open to the public. If there are no local organizations, consider searching for local affiliates of national organizations, such as Autism Society. If you’ve done your research and you haven’t been able to find anything â€" start your own! There might have been countless individuals before you that have searched for the same kind of community, but you can make the change. Take a friend to see a Sensory Friendly Film Image via Pixabay AMC Theatres (AMC) and Autism Society work together in helping bring some of the coolest flicks to a theatre near you for individuals with autism and other disabilities to enjoy at least once every month. If you do not have an AMC theatre near you, often times, smaller theatre chains have similar showings as well. Take a family member or a friend to see one of their favorite movies this month. If you don’t know anybody diagnosed with ASD, consider fundraising or providing money to buy some movie tickets for a local special needs classroom or group. Self-advocacy is important within the autism community, so at the very least what you can do this month (and every month) is open up your ears and listen to what people with autism have to say about their experiences, identities, and needs.

8 Tips for Boosting Your Confidence

8 Tips for Boosting Your Confidence Image via Pixabay Life throws its curveballs at us when we sometimes least expect it. It pins us against the wall, making us feel as though we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place, or uncertain of the next step or how we’re going to pass that test, and therefore, indecisive about our next steps. When even the slightest challenges arise, it feels much easier to give in to that tight squeeze that can make us feel small in an amazingly big world. In college, it can be very easy to feel as if you’re lost and as if confidence in yourself and your abilities is lacking. Big schools, thousands of students, massive buildings, and the sheer amount of work that needs to be done for each class to make a decent grade can make you feel out of place. And when you don’t make the grade you desire, you can feel a little down about yourself. As awesome as it is, college can be a time of immense confusion and stress. As you strive to be awesome, graduate top of your class, pull in championships for your school, or land the perfect job, it can all seem overwhelming at times. You’re not alone. There will be many things beyond school that will test your faith, your will, your confidence, and your ability to work hard no matter what. Sometimes, things happen that are out of your control and you begin to lose confidence in who you are and who you are going to become.  College is a great time to figure out your way through all of the uncertainty. It is an opportunity for you to learn and find out how you want to make a difference in the world. Confidence is so much more than a sexy word. Like every other skill, it can be learned and cultivated until you have it. And here’s the thing; you don’t get it all in one go. It’s a journey, just like college and just like life. Here are some tips to boost your confidence: 1. Block the little voice. Every person, from time to time, experiences that little voice that says “you’re not good enough,” or “you’ll never make it through college,” or “everyone here is so much smarter than you.” If you let it, that little negative voice can control your life and keep you back from doing amazingly good things. You may not have graduated valedictorian in your high school class or had the highest GPA to get into college, but you do have what it takes to succeed. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been admitted. 2. Learning is both a process and a journey. It takes nine months for a baby to be born. It takes four years on average to get through high school. It takes 18 years on average before you can drive a car or vote. It takes 21 years before you can have a drink. In general, life takes time and very many times, we are forced to wait because we can’t have it all at once. The more willing we are to go through the process of learning, the more we will know when we are done, and the more we will want to learn even after college is over. 3. Get in a good workout. We dont always have the time or the good feelings, but working out is a great way to feel better about what you’re doing and where you’re going. Sometimes, all your brain needs is a break from the books and lectures and a breath of fresh air literally. Working out not only pushes energy to your brain but aids in transforming your attitude as well. 4. Go and volunteer. Once, I was having a really funky week. Between work, school, church, and family, everything that could go downhill seemed to be going in that direction. Instead of stressing over it any longer, I took up a friend on a volunteer opportunity and spent several hours serving others. It is very easy to get caught up in what is going on in our lives that we forget there are other people in the world who are hurting and in need. After all, we were put on earth to serve others, not just ourselves. 5. Recall your life experiences. Everything you have been through over the last 18-20 years was for a reason. It has made you the person you are today. Although you may not feel prepared for it, it has brought you to this moment. Whenever you’re feeling stressed or unsure of your ability, stop for a minute and remember all that you have been through. Nothing came easy, I’m sure, but it was all most likely worth it. 6. Say a little prayer. It helps to say a prayer. Let God know how you’re feeling and ask for wisdom, strength, and guidance. He is the perfect listener and the perfect solution to any problem that you face. He wants you to succeed and be who He made you to be. 7. Consider the future. Sometimes we can spend a lot of time wishing things were different or wishing we didnt have so much stress or fatigue in our lives, that we forget about where we want to go in life. Determine where you want to go in life and spend a lot of your time and energy working on getting there. Once you know where you want to go, it becomes much easier to do what is necessary to get there. 8. Don’t give up. You are blessed to be in college, wherever it is in the world, studying whatever subject you are studying, preparing for a future in whatever field you have chosen. Learn from your mistakes. Pick yourself up when you fail. Improve your situation as best as you can. But do not make excuses. Do not assuage your conscience as to why you didn’t do something that you should have done. At all times does it take a lot of effort to be successful. You’ll never know how successful you could have been if you give up now.

Tutoring and Test Scores Assessing Improvement

Tutoring and Test Scores Assessing Improvement Tips From an Irvine Private Academic Tutor: Assessing Improvement in Test Scores Tips From an Irvine Private Academic Tutor: Assessing Improvement in Test Scores One of the biggest issues parents worry about is if their child’s tutor will be a good personality fit. Some children will need a nurturing tutor while others will need somebody who can provide more structure. Most parents who hire a private Orange County tutor who quickly responds to their children in a positive way will be very happy. However, what happens when the next set of grades or test scores come out and there isnt any improvement? 1.  Test scores are different from actual learning Learning material and absorbing information is different than being able to demonstrate knowledge on a test. Younger children, especially in elementary school, will take any number of short quizzes or longer exams that are generally meant to genuinely test the childs knowledge. However, standardized testing (which is starting much younger these days) is entirely different and something the classroom teacher has absolutely no control over. If the child is performing poorly on standardized exams but there is an improvement in homework grades and general concentration, the issue is probably with test prep. In this situation, parents should sit down with their Orange County tutor and ask if they can integrate test prep into the sessions. In order for a tutor to do this they will need some information about the type of standardized exams being given. The parent should try and provide a copy of the specific test that was given and graded by the classroom teacher so the tutor can spend some time reviewing the material. On the other hand, if the child is performing poorly on short quizzes written by the teacher, the parent may have to dig further to evaluate the issue. Although standardized test prep is a subject in and of itself, basic short quizzes should not be as difficult. A discussion with the classroom teacher will be helpful to identify if the issue is the subject matter, concentration, or something in the classroom environment (READ: ACT Tips From a Private Irvine Tutor). 2. Communicate with the tutor about the specifics of the session If the sessions are going well but test scores are still low, parents are advised to have a conversation with the tutor about what they covered in the session. Some parents provide specific topics that they would like the tutor to cover (often based on advice from a classroom teacher) while others ask the tutor to take responsibility for the material. If this is the case, its possible that the tutor is doing a great job covering geometry when the classroom teacher has since moved on to algebra. Communicating with a tutor about whats going on in the classroom is the key to keeping sessions fruitful (READ: 10 Study Tips from an Irvine History Tutor). 3. Still not working? If the parent has worked with the Irvine private academic tutor, their child, and the classroom teacher to get on the same page but there is still no improvement, alternate arrangements should be considered. This is a tough scenario with no right or wrong solution. It may be time to switch to a new tutor, but this is challenging if the child already has a good rapport with their current tutor. The first thing that parents should think about is how long the child has been with their tutor. If tutoring started less than two months ago, it may not even be enough time for the child to have fully learned new concepts. In this case its recommended that parents continue to be in communication with both the tutor and classroom teacher to stay organized and wait until the end of the semester. However, if a full semester (three months or more) has passed and there has been no improvement, a new tutor may be needed. If parents are concerned about the transition, they might start by hiring a second tutor and have them work simultaneously. For example, if the child was working with their tutor four hours a week, the student can continue to work for two hours a week but work with a different tutor for the other two hours during the adjustment period (READ: 5 Reasons to take a Practice Test Before taking the AP Exam). In short Success in supplemental education can be just as tricky as in the classroom environment. The important thing is that the student has the opportunity to improve and that they have a good rapport with their tutor. At the end of the day, tutors want their students to learn whether its with them or somebody else. However, without communication and organization, parents often find that tutoring progresses much slower than they would like. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

What Are the Hazards of Ul Alchemy?

What Are the Hazards of Ul Alchemy?Ul chemistry is a very interesting subject. Some of the things that we take for granted in everyday life can turn out to be dangerous when we are unaware of what is happening.This article will explain some of the common dangers of ul alchemy. Hopefully, it will encourage you to become more involved in your local community in order to prevent it from happening.Perhaps the most common of the hazards is what we know as 'acid rain'. This term can mean two different things. If we are talking about pure acid rain, which would occur naturally in some areas, it would rain sulphuric acid or carbonic acid. If you have ever seen the little sulfuric pellets that rain down from the sky, you have probably noticed that they do not fall like rain.You may also see sulfur dioxide or other air pollution in the form of smoke and haze, this is mainly due to factories, refineries and coal-burning power stations. This kind of pollution has a similar effect to acid rain an d can cause serious harm to both our health and the environment.Ul alchemy involves the chemical combining of various elements. You could be using, for example, mercury, lead, sulfur and arsenic. Unfortunately, these elements tend to combine to form lead sulfate, which is a very toxic gas.The gases from natural fires are also highly likely leads and can cause serious problems for you and your family. As well as poisoning your body with lead, it can also attack your respiratory system. This is why it is so important to keep a close eye on things when you are working with materials like these.As you can see, the hazards of ul alchemy can be quite serious. You should always be aware of the danger, if you do not already do so, and you should not hesitate to inform other people if you think there is something that they are not aware of.